We regret to inform you that we are no longer accepting new customers.

If you’re looking for cover, Smart Insurance offers Family Life Insurance that could help your family to manage major household debts like the mortgage and car repayments, or simply help with daily living expenses if the worst were to happen. Please call them on 0800 977 6057 for your free quote, or visit their website www.smartinsurance.co.uk 

Please note: If you’re an existing customer, your FRANKLi policy remains unaffected. Please call FRANKLi customer service on 0800 542 7981 if you have any questions. 


You will receive your gift card once a minimum of 6 successful monthly premiums have been paid and the total premiums paid exceed the face value of the gift card. View full terms and conditions


£4.84 per month for a 32-year-old non-smoker with £100,000 of life insurance cover over a 10-year term. 


Except if death is the result of self-inflicted injury in the first 12 months.